A publishing entity shall, when authorizing an entity engaging in general distribution of publications to distribute the publications, use the uniform "Power of Attorney for Distributing Publications"; 出版单位委托出版物总发行单位发行出版物,应使用统一的《出版物发行委托书》;
A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition. May I please have nonexclusive world rights in all languages? 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。我是否可以获得以各种文字出版该表的非专有版权?
A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition. 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。
This paper tries to explore the general distribution of the information focus and its influence on the listening strategies. 本论文试图探讨小句信息焦点的一般分布规律及其在英语语篇听力训练中的作用。
Fixed-width Sequential Confidence Interval of General Distribution Parameters 一般分布参数固定宽度的序贯置信区间
Notes on My Punctuation of The New Book of Temperament& About Choosing Master Copy and Edition System "General distribution" mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications. 《律吕新书》校点札记(之一)&选择底本,兼论版本系统本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。
"General distribution" mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications. 本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。
This paper gives brief introduction to Jinbang Park of Xiamen on natural and human civilization landscape; puts forward landscape design purpose, ideal and principle; summarizes general distribution, important plot design and greening configuration. 摘要简要介绍了厦门金榜公园自然与人文景观,提出景观设计目标、设计理念与设计原则,概述了景区总体布局和重点景区景点设计及绿化配置。
A construction site uses two-level RCD protection in accordance with the industry standard, the RCD trips frequently in the general distribution box in the process of construction. 摘要某施工现场按照行业标准,采用两级RCD保护,施工过程中总配电箱内的RCD频繁跳闸。
Distributing internally circulated publications; Transferring either directly or in a disguised form the right of general distribution of publications to an entity that does not have right of general distribution; 发行内部资料性出版物的;向无总发行权的单位转让或变相转让出版物总发行权的;
Past governors may receive the newspaper gratis on request, and while Rotary World is not intended for general distribution, individual club members may receive the newspaper by paid subscription. 前地区总监若提出要求可获赠一份。虽然扶轮世界不作为全面发行之用,个别扶轮社员亦可付费订阅。
An enterprise engaging in general distribution of publications or a wholesale enterprise may engage in publication distributing business through Internet or other information network without any approval. 出版物总发行企业、批发企业可以通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务,无需审批。
Supposing that the system's life, waiting repair time and repair time have general distribution, using the method of Markov renewal process, a series of reliability indices are obtained such as reliability, unavailability, failure frequency and so on. 文中假定系统的寿命分布、等待修理时间和修理时间均为一般分布,利用马尔可夫更新过程的方法,可获得可靠度、可用度、故障频率等一系列可靠性指标。
By means of Fourier Optics, we study the problem of the coherent for the width of the Young's double slit with the coherent lighting, obtain the general distribution of intensity of light. 应用付里叶光学方法,定量地处理了在相干光照下,杨氏装置的狭缝宽度的相干问题,得到了光强分布的一般结果。
Firstly, a general distribution model of all the xylem vessels on the xylem cross-section has been established; 首先建立了一个木质部截面上导管总体分布的数量模型;
After detailed discussion on the rationale and procedure of the MLE approach, an efficient numerical wind vector search algorithm is presented in this paper, according to the general distribution of objective function. 该文对最大似然估计的风场反演方法的基本原理和具体过程进行探讨,根据其目标函数的一般分布特征,提出一种较为高效的数值风矢量搜索算法。
Density weighted distance based FCM neuroid caters for variance of different data in general distribution and after suitable selection of density distribution function, it makes contribution to constraining the influence of stray specimen with larger error on neuroid's learning. 基于密度加权距离的FCM神经元网络适应了不同数据对总体分布的差异性,在适当选择密度分布函数以后可抑制误差比较大的离群样本对神经元网络的学习的影响,提高了系统学习的正确率。
The mathematical characteristic of the general distribution 概括分布的数学特征
In this paper we consider the generalized MX/ G/ 1 queue with multiple server vacations. Assuming that the vacation time and the service time have general distribution functions, we study the transient and equilibrium properties of the queue length. 本文考虑推广的多重休假MX/G/1排队,在假定休假时间和服务时间都是一般概率分布函数下,我们研究了队长的瞬态和稳态性质。
A general distribution model in statistics& grey model 一种通用的统计分布模型&灰色模型
On the basis of measurement results, the regularity of general distribution and individual variation of capacity current in coal mine are given. 在对大量实测数据分析的基础上,给出了煤矿电网电容电流的总体分布规律,个体变化规律。
This paper discusses the queuing model of a serving system with Poisson input stream, general distribution of service time and maximum serving capacity. 本文研究了Poisson随机流输入、一般分布服务时间、成批服务且有最大服务容量的随机系统模型。
Based on the velocity and pressure fields calculated, general distribution characteristics of the flow field in screw assemblies ( composed of kneading blocks with different disc-widths and stagger angles) were presented; 在计算所得速度场和压力场的基础上,全面分析并讨论了由不同厚度和不同错列角的捏合块元件组成的组合螺杆的流场分布规律;
This article applies the Fuzzy Set Theory to the analysis of test scores and proposes a feasible and effective approach to the assessment of the general distribution of test scores. 本文将模糊集合理论应用于考试分析,提出了一种对考试成绩的总体分布进行估计的较合理、有效的方法。
The multilevel hierarchical engineering system is defined as a multilevel branching structural series, that consists of main engineering structures in a complex engineering project by functionally logical relations. It indicates the general distribution of the common complex projects. 多级递阶工程系统是复杂工程项目的主要工程结构依照功能逻辑关系所构成的多层次分支结构体系,表征了常见复杂项目的一般性分布。
A Lattice Gas Method has been used for conservation equation in a model equation by defined general distribution function. 给出了守恒型模型方程的差分型格子气方法,通过定义广义的分布函数,将原方程的求解问题转化成关于分布函数的差分算法。
The necessary condition of an important result of the probability that the supremum of a random walk with ( heavy-) tailed increments crosses a curve on a random time interval is presented by using an important property of a general distribution class. 利用一类常见分布族的一个重要性质,给出了增量带重尾分布的随机游动在随机时段内的上确界超越曲线边界的概率的一个重要结果的必要条件。
A sort of electrostatics problem that using electric image method to solve the electric field in the wedge area between two infinite earthing metal boards are discussed using group theory. The conditions under which a solution exists and a general distribution of image electric charges are given. 对静电学中用电象法求解两无穷大接地金属板间楔形区域内的电场的题目,利用群论方法加以讨论,给出了可求解的条件及一般的象电荷分布。
The loads-strain and location-strain graph were drew to analysis the data and confirm the general distribution of the stress and strain. 利用试验所得数据绘制载荷-应变和位置-应变曲线图,分析相关数据,确定层合板大体应力应变分布。
The repair of the system components are not as good as new, the components of working time and repairman vacation are subject to the different exponential distribution and the repair time is subject to general distribution. 在系统部件均修复非新的条件下,部件的工作寿命和修理工休假服从指数分布而故障后部件的修理时间服从一般连续型分布。